I am enjoying myself far too much to blog this week. Easter was marvelous! The best Holy Week ever with joint services between the various congregations in our little town. Three well attended Good Friday services in our own church. Holy Saturday service well attended. Mostly all the right notes during the Exsultet. Ended up in the church garden with choir and congregation singing at the top of their lungs disturbing the neighbours. Came back into the church to get a good look at the sanctuary with its left-over cloud of incense and the smell of the flowers - candle lit and mysterious with the empty cross in the corner. A feast for the eyes and the heart. We had good weather for the sunrise service (not to be taken for granted in Scotland) which began in the graveyard of the local Church of Scotland in the centre of town and ended up on the hill behind the Episcopal church. Crown Him with Many Crowns sung loud enough to wake the neighbours who'd been disturbed the night before. Breakfast followed - the rectory hens had been laying furiously all week and there were enough eggs for everybody. Church now smelled of bacon rather than incense. Easter congregations well up over last year and a really good feeling in both. All is very well. See you next week.
R. Rabbit
Reading Genesis 6 in Prison
Out at the prison we were working our way through Genesis and got snagged
on the opening verses of Genesis 6:
When man began to multiply on the face of t...
18 hours ago